workshop whispers

Etui‘s für deine liebsten Dinge | verschiedene Notizblöcke
Dec 13, 2020
I wish you a nice 3rd Advent. I'm sitting here in the Zurich Unterland, the weather has been showing itself in the great variety of its gray tones for what feels like an eternity. What goes with this grey? A bad cold, as if the two had agreed. Luckily it wears off and I can devote myself to the colors of life again.
Dec 04, 2020
They are there, all the pretty Christmas cards have found their way into the shop. This beautiful Christmas card was finished with handmade paper. The handmade paper really makes the watercolor colors shine.
Tadaaa.... Sie ist fertig, die Agenda 2021
Nov 14, 2020
... It smells like coffee, my head is still in slow down mode. Quiet music ripples from the speakers on my PC. It's dark outside and the first people are already on their way in their cars. The best time for me to write newsletters. I have good news for you!...
Online Markt - Aus der Stoffkiste geplaudert
Oct 29, 2020
Wasn't the time to participate in the online market? Then you now have the opportunity to look in again.
Nicht verpassen - der virtuelle Markt
Oct 24, 2020
What to do when meeting real people is difficult? Then we make a virtual market. Come over! I look forward to every visit.
Kalender 2021
Oct 18, 2020
...This calendar is not only intended for your appointments, but a kind of diary with a small "nudge" on how carefully you deal with yourself. This is the part always on the right side of the calendar. Take care of yourself, do yourself good and despite everything see the beauty that surrounds you.